Specializing in chicken litter fertilizer, hauling, and custom application. | Phone: (712) 286-5700 | Office Location: 101 1st Street, Sioux Rapids, IA 50585

Field Note: Velvetleaf Management

May 29, 2019 | Field Notes

Also Known As: Buttonweed, Butterprint, Elephant Ear

A common weed you’re probably very aware of or have seen around is velvetleaf. While not terribly difficult to control in a normal corn and soybean rotation when utilizing proper rates of herbicides, there are a few special management options to consider when trying to control velvetleaf in your field.

Corn: Corn herbicides containing mesotrione such as Resicore®, Explorer®, or Halex GT® are often extremely effective for controlling velvetleaf. For extreme infestations of Velvetleaf, an 8 ounce rate of Resource herbicide can be utilized for effective control of Velvetleaf up to ten inches tall in both corn and soybeans. Be sure to add a good quality crop oil concentrate to this mix such as Herbimax® and a spray grade ammonium sulfate for best results.

Soybeans: Velvetleaf can be slightly more difficult to control in soybeans when not managed properly. As always, be sure to start with a recommended rate of a pre-emergence herbicide with residual for the best start in the fight against velvetleaf. Farm Nutrients recommends utilizing a program including the active ingredient Imazethapyr common name Pursuit for problem fields. There are many options available, but our best luck for a pre-emergence advantage on velvetleaf has come from Matador-S herbicide. This product includes three modes of action and is effective against many common soybean weeds including velvetleaf and amaranth species such as waterhemp, redroot pigweed, and palmer amaranth.


Our Increased Focus on Litter Quality

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Early Ordering Crop Protection

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How Can Soil Sampling Benefit Your Operation?

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